Friday, December 21, 2018

moldova and romance reunification


          After the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the decade of the 1980s, various kinds of nationalist movements began to grow in the Soviet Union due to the political policy of "glasnost" introduced by Mikhael Gorbachev causing one ethnic conflict and various nationalist movements in the Soviet Union which made the Soviet Union officially dissolve on December 26, 1991.1 One of Moldova's regions which broke away from the Soviet Union and declared its independence in August 1991. Moldova has faced various problems ranging from the separatist movement and the collapse of the post-Soviet Union nationalism movement which is a movement to unite Moldova and neighboring countries, Romania into one Country.2
       The desire for re-unification between Moldova and Romania is reasonable because Moldova and Romania have almost the same ethnicity, culture, history, and side-by-side strategic location that makes this country want to unite and if Unification materializes it can make a larger country and wider region. 3 As a result of the draft re-unification triggered the declaration of Transnistria to become Dnestrian Moldovan Socialist Soviet Republic. But the declaration was not accepted by Moldova's central government claiming that Transnistria was a territory of Moldova. But Transnistria refused, causing a conflict between the Moldovan Government and Transnistria. The protracted conflict eventually led to armed contact between Moldova and Transnistria. 4 The increasingly protracted security situation in Transnistria attracts parties outside Moldova who share a common tribe with conflicting parties to come to Transnistria and become armed volunteers. if the Moldovans get help from volunteers from Romania, then a group of volunteers who help Transnistria generally come from Russia and Ukraine.

         Since 1993 the resolution of the conflict has begun to be discussed but the results are always in a stagnant stage. In 2003 Russia gave a draft memorandum named Kozak Plan or Kozak Memorandum which contained a new constitution for the Federation of Moldova consisting of a federal territory and two Federation "subjects". The Transnistria supported the draft memorandum but Moldova refused the design and preferred to give Transnistria the status of the Special territory and the withdrawal of Russian military militia forces from Transnistria Tiraspol. Until now, the re-unification between Moldova and Romania did not materialize, although there was no re-unification, Moldova also failed to bring Transnistria back. . The strength of Russian influence is seen as the reason that Moldova cannot embrace Transnistria again.

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