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Showing posts with label article. Show all posts

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Histology of blood tits that are exsposed to smoking smoke


       Cigarettes contain more than 4000 harmful substances, including tar, arsenic, formaldehyde, and benzo (a) pyrene which is carcinogenic. Tar is a direct carcinogen so it does not require a promoter to cause cancer. In cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide (CO). Hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxides, and ammonia (Cancer research, 2006). Non-smoking radicals come from cigarette smoke which causes irritation and inflammatory effects (Winarsi, 2007).

     Smoking has been known to cause health problems. This health disorder can be caused by nicotine which comes from the smoke of active smokers and secondhand smoke. Health problems caused can be chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, larynx, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, bladder, narrowing of arteries and others (Susanna et al, 2003). Lung damage as the main target and directly exposed to cigarette smoke can be explained by exposure to chemical agents in cigarette smoke, but the effect that causes chronic disease in other organ systems is likely to be indirect exposure results (Yanbaeva et al, 2007).

     Smoking is also one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Potential mechanisms caused by smoking on cardiovascular disease include disorders of homeostasis, lipid abnormalities, and endothelial dysfunction (Wannamethee et al, 2005). The mechanism of inflammation plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis. Local and systemic effects of exposure to cigarette smoke can be explained through the mechanism of oxidative stress and inflammation (Pearson et al, 2003).

       Cigarette smoke is free radicals originating from exogenous sources. Free radicals have high reactivity, because of the tendency to attract electrons and can change a molecule into a radical because of the loss or increase of one electron in another molecule. Free radicals will damage molecules whose electrons are pulled by free radicals that cause cell damage, cell function disorders, and even cell death.

       One cigarette burned will produce approximately 5000 mg of gas (92%) and solid particulate matter (8%) in the form of liquid aerosol droplets and submicroscopic solid tar particles. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemical components, including 1,015 reactive species in the gas phase, specifically nitrogen oxide (NO). Tobacco produced by tobacco decreases the amount of intracellular antioxidants found in lung cells. Cigarette smoke contains free radical molecules. Oxidants in cigarette smoke have sufficient amounts to play a large role in the occurrence of airway damage. Tobacco smoke oxidants deplete intracellular antioxidants in lung cells (in vivo) through mechanisms associated with oxidant pressure (Britton, 2007).

The main molecules in the body that damaged by free radicals are DNA, fat and protein (Suryohudro, 2000). increasing age the accumulation of cell damage due to free radicals is increasingly taking on the role, thus disrupting cell metabolism, stimulating cell mutations, which results in cancer and even death (Goldman and Klatz, 2007). Free radicals can be positive and negative. Bellevil et al.(1996) reported the positive effects of the presence of free radicals, others, reactive oxygen compounds play a role in normal bactericidal bacteriolysis processes. As is known, reactive oxygen compounds are synthesized phagocytic cells through NADP oxidation pathways, such as radicals and H2 O2 which act as bacterial killers (bactericidal). Therefore someone who lacks NADP oxidase will experience recurrent inflammation easily. O2 radicals have vasoconstrictor properties in smooth muscles or, in fibroblasts. Then the reactive oxygen compounds play a role in DNA synthesis because the activity of ribonucleotide reductase (which converts ribose into dioxyribose) is very dependent on reactive oxygen compounds. Reactive oxygen compounds also play a role in spermatozoid capacitation so that their presence is very functional in fertilization. In vitro reactive oxygen compounds are also mitogenic in various cells. Of course free radicals become dangerous if the amount is excessive and more than the antioxidants that are in the body.

 Although the lungs have a strategic defense system by sucking a lot of oxygen at the time of inspiration, the increased intake of cigarette smoke can cause damage to lung tissue (Arkemar, 2006). We can observe the occurrence of damage to lung tissue through a technique called microtechnics, which is a technique of observing tissue that experiences a change (abnormal / damaged) and changes due to the addition of certain substances.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Modolva and Romania Runification Design

Re-unification design (1991 - 2015)

               The design of Reunification between Romania emerged in the late 1980s after the 1989 Romanian Revolution and the effects of Glastnost's policies in the Soviet Union. Ruminal nationalism movement became a major issue in Moldova5. The desire of Moldova to join the territory of Romania is getting stronger. He proved by the adoption of the Romanian three-color flag as the country flag of Moldova, which was made into the Romanian national anthem Desteapta-te, romane! (awake Romania!) became Moldovan national anthem and used Romanian language and Latin script as a language and was studied in schools in Moldova.6 Moldova's desire to merge with Romania is reasonable because if seen from history, culture and ethnic Romanian and Moldovan have in common, Moldova and Romania share the same history because it used to be Moldova is part of Romania. Proponents of the Reunification between Romania and Moldova are called Unionisti (unionis) and opposers are called Moldovenisti (Moldovenist).

                    Moldova is the poorest country in Europe with an income of $ 2 per day resulting in crises and problems in the country, unemployment and hunger hit Moldova therefore Moldova wants to join Romania because it wants a better life joining Romania is expected to be hope for Moldova. Romania is ready to accept Moldova to join into one region, evidenced by the beginning of independence Moldova Romania was the first country to recognize the independence of the Republic of Moldova just hours after independence of Moldova after the declaration of independence was issued by the Moldovan parliament. From the Romanian Government declaration made on this occasion it clearly resulted in that, Moldova was considered a form of emancipation and a step towards reunification with Romania. Within days the agreement was signed for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Moldova and Romania.

                   he desire for re-unification between Romania and Moldova encompasses all regions of Moldova (including Transnistria) but this design raises new problems which emerge from the eastern part of Moldova, namely the Transnistria region inhabited by mostly ethnic Russians and Ukrainians who call themselves Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist The Republic openly opposes the draft re-unification between Moldova and Romania, this group does not want re-unification because of their fear of being a minority and ethnic group that is not heard if re-unification is realized.

                    The draft re-unification triggered the declaration of Transnistria to become Priestnvian Moldavian republic and the declaration of the Transnistria region was rejected by the Moldovan government which considered Transnistria to be part of Moldova and that was also rejected by Transnistria. The conflict between Moldova and Transnistrian rebels ensued and dragged on to cause armed contact between Moldova and Transnistria. The Transnistrian War has invited many parties to participate in it. Romania is the only country that helps Moldova. Russia and Ukraine are countries that assist Transnistria. Transnistria, who won the war against Moldova, finally became de facto independent and has been in the status quo until now. Russia's involvement and great influence are regarded as the main factors causing Transnistria not to be embraced by Moldova and Transnistria's fears if one day Re-unification continues to occur by Romania and Moldova, because the design of the reification still looks to be a big consideration for both countries until this.

Friday, December 21, 2018

moldova and romance reunification


          After the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the decade of the 1980s, various kinds of nationalist movements began to grow in the Soviet Union due to the political policy of "glasnost" introduced by Mikhael Gorbachev causing one ethnic conflict and various nationalist movements in the Soviet Union which made the Soviet Union officially dissolve on December 26, 1991.1 One of Moldova's regions which broke away from the Soviet Union and declared its independence in August 1991. Moldova has faced various problems ranging from the separatist movement and the collapse of the post-Soviet Union nationalism movement which is a movement to unite Moldova and neighboring countries, Romania into one Country.2
       The desire for re-unification between Moldova and Romania is reasonable because Moldova and Romania have almost the same ethnicity, culture, history, and side-by-side strategic location that makes this country want to unite and if Unification materializes it can make a larger country and wider region. 3 As a result of the draft re-unification triggered the declaration of Transnistria to become Dnestrian Moldovan Socialist Soviet Republic. But the declaration was not accepted by Moldova's central government claiming that Transnistria was a territory of Moldova. But Transnistria refused, causing a conflict between the Moldovan Government and Transnistria. The protracted conflict eventually led to armed contact between Moldova and Transnistria. 4 The increasingly protracted security situation in Transnistria attracts parties outside Moldova who share a common tribe with conflicting parties to come to Transnistria and become armed volunteers. if the Moldovans get help from volunteers from Romania, then a group of volunteers who help Transnistria generally come from Russia and Ukraine.

         Since 1993 the resolution of the conflict has begun to be discussed but the results are always in a stagnant stage. In 2003 Russia gave a draft memorandum named Kozak Plan or Kozak Memorandum which contained a new constitution for the Federation of Moldova consisting of a federal territory and two Federation "subjects". The Transnistria supported the draft memorandum but Moldova refused the design and preferred to give Transnistria the status of the Special territory and the withdrawal of Russian military militia forces from Transnistria Tiraspol. Until now, the re-unification between Moldova and Romania did not materialize, although there was no re-unification, Moldova also failed to bring Transnistria back. . The strength of Russian influence is seen as the reason that Moldova cannot embrace Transnistria again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Fakta MEenggunakan Eksport Sebagai Cocoa Malaysia ke Malaysia Dan Singapura


Satu aktiviti yang memainkan peranan penting dalam ekonomi negara adalah aktiviti perdagangan antarabangsa. Jadi perdagangan usaha antarabangsa mesti terus dibuat untuk dapat mencapai pelbagai peluang dan peluang.

  Perdagangan antarabangsa adalah aktiviti untuk berdagang pelbagai output dalam bentuk barang dan perkhidmatan yang dihasilkan oleh negara untuk boleh dijual di luar negeri dan membawa barangan dan perkhidmatan dari luar negara keperluan domestik. Aktiviti untuk menjual barangan di luar negeri dipanggil untuk kemudian dibawa ke negara ini dengan tujuan memenuhi aktiviti eksport, sementara aktiviti untuk membawa barangan dari luar negara menyebabkan lebihan imbangan perdagangan, tetapi jika import lebih tinggi
dipanggil aktiviti import. Jika eksport lebih besar daripada import, ia akan dan bukan eksport ia akan menyebabkan defisit dalam imbangan perdagangan.  Perdagangan antarabangsa Indonesia telah berubah sejak bertahun-tahun Indonesia adalah satu negara yang bergantung kepada aktiviti perdagangan antarabangsa sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan ekonomi. Selain memainkan peranan dalam membawa masuk pertukaran asing, dengan melakukanperdagangan antarabangsa akan membina rangkaian perniagaan global.
1980-an, di mana sebelum ini eksport Indonesia difokuskan
1980-an, dengan keadaan ini kerajaan mengeluarkan siri komoditi minyak dan gas, tetapi pada 1987 eksport Indonesia mula dikuasai oleh komoditi bukan minyak dan gas. Perubahan dalam komoditi eksport Indonesia disebabkan kerana kejatuhan harga minyak dunia mencecah paras terendah dalam tahun ini Eksport Indonesia setakat ini (Statistik Indonesia, 2009). dasar dan deregulasi dalam sektor eksport, termasuk pengecualian cukai eksport

untuk pelbagai komoditi, membolehkan pengeluar untuk meningkatkan eksport bukan minyak dan gas. Dasar dan deregulasi dalam sektor eksport ternyata memberi impak kepada pembangunan komoditi bukan eksportminyak dan gas, supaya bukan minyak dan gas menjadi komoditi dominan untuk pembangunan

Friday, December 7, 2018

United States Economic Crisis (part 2)

United States Economic Crisis
      The crisis in the United States began with the fall of the housing sector due to the increase 
in high-risk housing loans (subprime mortgages) in August 2007 caused bad credit and falling 
prices global stocks in recent months. The crisis in the United States spread to Europe,
 knocked down global stock prices and weakened the US dollar United to a record high of 
US $ 1.4967 against the Euro, at the time of the year 1999 US $ 1,16675. Banks that have 
networking in investment bonds housing with a reputable property business has also been 
affected,thus making banking performance experience a great shock, and compounded when 
the global stock market did not have the power to overcome the impact of the mortgage. 
This hit the stock market at a slumping level, the harder it gets trust in capital market 
players, both in the market in America and in the region world economy. The issuers are hit
and cannot afford to change drastically, the collapse in stock prices almost knocked out a
portfolio of several world-famous corporations.

     The credit crisis in the United States has resulted in credit becoming more expensive
and difficult obtained, many banks are reluctant to provide loans to customers.
Bankers prefer to look for safety with a tight credit pattern, and this action is logical
as a preventive step to minimize the risk of the effect of a mortgage increasingly widespread.

     According to Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs, the United States has entered danger of recession.
This is conveyed on the basis of: (1) finances that remain fragile, (2) many markets remain weak, 
(3) obscurity of large banks affected by the crisis credit, (4) high oil prices, and (5) weak 
consumer purchasing power. The Fed (The Federal Reserve) has been careful in every policy decision
with the principle of saving the economy.

     The accumulation of large funds in the housing sector has given birth to stagnation 
resulting in a slowdown in US economic growth in 2007 estimated to grow 2.3%, even though in 2006 
it grew 3.3%. This situation too followed by deteriorating social conditions with unemployment rates 
at 4.9%, while in 2006 3%. Inflation in 2006 amounted to 2.1% and in 2007 increased to 4.3%

    This Supreme mortgage has also disrupted the exchange since mid-2007 changes are heating up, 
and one by one large companies are falling such as: Bear Stern, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and even 
General Motors the pride of the United States fell. Subprime mortgage causes a crisis in interbank 
money market, claimed casualties in Europe and Japan. Banks and Securities companies have deleted 
asset books, credit losses as of April 1, 2008 reached US $ 232 billion. Many companies make 
subprime mortgages as collateral or underlying asset for debt securities.

    To tackle the Fed crisis in mid-August 2007 together with other central banks pouring 
liquidity into the shared money market for three European Central Banks, and Japan more than 
US $ 400 billion and lowered 50 bsp interest rate, to overcome the panic of global investors.
It seems the momentum is not right, because the housing crisis has penetrated into the sector real.

    Efforts are being made to stimulate the economic movement to rise back, the Fed cut 
interest rates since September 18, 2007 end of December 2007. The Fed funds rate was lowered 
from 5.25% to 4.25%, fell again to 3.5% (January 22, 2008) and 3% at the end of January 2008,
even heading to 2.5%, but the Japanese BOJ and Eurozone ECB are still holding back the rate 
interest amid high inflation due to rising energy prices. At first falling interest rates have 
succeeded in pushing the pace of global exchanges (including the CSPI) but in the last decline 
of December 11, 2007, the global stock exchange was even worse off. The Government of the United 
States has announced a fiscal stimulus policy amounting to US $ 150 billion in the form of
US $ 800 tax rebates per house, even mid-February 2009 approved fiscal stimulus of 
US $ 787 billion (April Economic News) 2009). The Fed cut interest rates and the government 
gave a stimulus fiscal, aimed at increasing people's purchasing power so that consumption increases.

    According to the World Bank, continued expansion in developing countries will help 
limit the impact of the economic slowdown in the United States in the year 2008. Estimated global 
economic growth in 2008 was 3.3%, compared to 2007 of 3.6%. IMF predictions that make up projections
pessimistic about the number of economic growth in the United States in 2008 no more than 1.5% even 
though in 2007 it was still 2.2%. The Fed predicts between 1.3% and 2.0%, and predictions from the
United States Department of Commerce US GDP growth fell sharply from 4.9% in the third quarter of 
2007 to 0.6% in quarter IV / 2007.

    The worsening economic condition of the United States has opened its weak veil United 
States finances and money market turmoil that includes: production insurance, securities, 
banking systems, credit cards, individual and corporate credit. Besides these two things 
there are still other symptoms that Americans carry Unions that are currently in crisis 
a. the decline in the construction, manufacturing, service and property market industries minus 24%
  (in 2007), and 4.6% (in 2009)
b. decrease in consumption level in 2007 41.3% and in 2009 36.9%
c. decline in the consumer confidence index (IKK) in 2007 90.6 in 2008 87.9
   and 2009 dropped dramatically to 26.0
d. falling stock / securities prices and weakening of the market for goods and services
e. rising inflation (4.3%) and unemployment (5%) in January 2008
f. economic growth declined towards 1% even close to minus
g. Banking capital continues to be depressed, and credit crunch (credit clogged)
h. property market fell minus 24.4% in 2008, and in 2009 4.6%
i. a surge in oil prices (beginning of 2008 of US $ 110 per barrel), and the IMF trying
   released decoupling, but recouping occurred

United States Economic Crisis (part 1)

United States Economic Crisis

1. Economic crisis The crisis has a broad understanding, in the opinion of the Harberler crisis in down-turn or the upper turning point (James Arthur Estey.1960: 65). According to Mitchell's economic crisis
already experienced / rather recession (rather than recession).

      Integration of the world, a shift in value that occurs within an areaseems to have an effect on other countries in the world that do international trade. The collapse of the supremacy of the United States is now threatenedrecession, it is possible to have an impact on the economies of other countries in the world. America is a super power that has economic power strongest in the world, and contributes around 20-30% of turnover world economy. The United States economy has a GDP of US $ 13.1 trillion equivalent to 20% of world GDP in 2007. The GDP of the United States experienced third quarter increase of 4.9%, even still having high consumer purchasing power (IKK 90.6), apparently unable to sustain its economy due to the credit crisis in the mortgage market worth US $ 1.8 trillion. Recently The United States experienced an economic downturn and faced the presence of competitors especially in China and India, but still still has a strong influence on it world economic arena.

          Since the beginning of March 2008, there has been a surge in the number of losses experienced by banksestimated world investment reached US $ 160 billion, and is predicted to remain continues and potentially will penetrate US $ 300 billion, even analysts Monetary estimates estimate losses could reach more than US $ 1 trillion. In reports from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and IBRD sessions attended by the minister finance and Governor of the Central Bank 185 countries on 12-13 April 2008, as well as G 7 meeting in April 2008 in Washington, ensuring financial losses due the American subprime mortgage crisis reached almost US $ 1 trillion (Investor Daily, 9 April 2008). This figure is very fantastic, but if it refers to projections the current calculation is that the figure is quite realistic, so causing panic in the world financial sector.

      The crisis that is intensifying is the culprit originating from mistakes count bankers in the United States and some bankers from other countries too expansionist uncontrollable in pouring credit to property sector, especially less productive housing loans. This problem housing market began to decline in 2006, due to rising interest rates to highest figure of 5.25 percent. This increase in interest rates causes repayment home loans are more expensive, triggering delinquency in large payments, and become a threat of bad credit.

      According to George Soros, the current financial crisis is the worst since major depression lasted 
1929, and this crisis led to the nadir (lowest). Root this financial crisis has been embedded since the 
1980s, at that time the president Ronald Reagen and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher want laissez 
faire, a school that supports a liberal market that will correct itself for mistakes
(Bloomberg News, April 3, 2008). Free market economic policies are accompanied loans
accumulated accumulated to date. Ben S. Bernanke (Governor of the Bank Central / The Federal 
Reserve) of the United States at the end of 2007 warning that the US economy will slow down 
before the end of the year 2008, due to the housing credit crisis which made it difficult for 
the financial sector. According to the IMF Current turbulence reflects fragility of the balance sheet
 and weak capital.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

America's largest coffee consumption in the world

     America's largest coffee consumption in the world

       Average number of import requests the world in the 1999-2004 period was only 6.9 million tons. The biggest demand from America is amounting to 1.4 million tons, followed by Europe 2.8 million tons, Africa 334 thousand tons, Asia Pacific 670 thousand tons, and consumption of producer countries 1.8 million tons (LMC, 2006). The rate of increase in production drastic world coffee since 1999 this has caused coffee prices to fluctuate with a downward trend.

       Table 3 shows the average consumption coffee in several importing countries. In the period 1990-1993, the average consumption the total per year in the importing country is 3.6 million tons, while the average world coffee consumption per year is 4.4 million tons. Furthermore, in the period 2000-2003, the rate of increase consumption in the relative exporting country high, which is seen from the average consumption the world increases to 4.9 million tons per year, while the total consumption average in countries importing only becomes 3.7 million tons. The highest average per capita consumption is achieved by Finland 11.2 kg per year in the period 2000-2003 (ICO, 2004). Next sequence occupied by Norway and Denmark with the level of consumption per capita of each 9.1 kg and 8.9 kg per year.

      In the period 1990-2003, consumption the total appears to be declining due to a decrease in consumption per capita per year in several countries importer. Decreased average consumption per capita per year, among others, occurs in Denmark (15.3%), Finland (10.3%), France (4.9%), Germany (12.5%), Netherlands (32.5%), Norway (10.9%), Sweden (22.9%) and the United States (8.4%). In the past ten years (1993-2003), per capita consumption per year at overall importing country down around 4.47 percent. Increased consumption per highest capita recorded in Belgium (53%), Greece (46.9%), Italy (14.6%), Japan (19.7%) and Portugal (40.4%).

         Per capita consumption in producer countries generally still very low. In 2001, consumption per capita was at Indonesia, Vietnam and India respectively 0.62, 0.36 and 0.24 kg per capita. Brasilia is a producer country with consumption highest per capita. In 1965, consumption reached 4.72 kg, but at in 1985 it dropped to 2.27 kg and later rose to 3.99 kg per capita at 2001 (ITC, 2002).

       Based on product type, coffee imports generally done in the form of coffee beans (SITC 0711) which is equal to 87.9 percent and a small portion in the form of roasted coffee (SITC 0712) of 6.1 percent and coffee dissolved (SITC 0713) of 6.0 percent. The share of US imports in the coffee market seeds appear to be declining, in contrast to the share of imports Germany and Japan tend to increase. Thing this is caused partly by coffee consumption per capita in the United States that continues decreases over time though total consumption seems to have increased slightly. From Table 4 shows that the volume of coffee imports processed by major consumer countries shows increasing tendency. Although processed coffee exports from countries producers only increase relatively small, but processed coffee imports by the United States, Germany and Japan tend to increase, which indicates that the industry coffee processing in consumer countries others are growing rapidly, especially in Italian, French and British countries.

        Therefore, if Indonesia wants to increasing its share in the processed coffee market must strive 
seriouslycan compete in the world processed coffee market. Export of processed coffee to consumer
 countries the main is mainly constrained by import tariffs high, which is around 12-20 percent 
(ITC, 2002). In addition, consumers often have different tastes and more like to mix yourself. 
While the countries consumers have experience in roasting and blending coffee. Effort the 
development of the processed coffee industry must be done with careful consideration because the 
coffee roasting and blending industry requires large economies of scale.