Wednesday, December 5, 2018

American history according to one of Indonesia's views

American history according to one of Indonesia's views

Understanding of History
             The term etymological history (harafiah) comes from Arabic, namely syajarahtun which means knowledge about birth, growth, and death, so the term history can be interpreted as a knowledge of birth, growth and death. 1 person ancient times had the habit of writing human genealogies from generation to generationwhich includes everything related to birth, growth and death. However thus Javanese prefer to interpret history as a babad, meaning story about human pedigree. The term history is also found in many languages as in English (history), German (geschichte), Dutch (geschiedenis), France (histoire). The historical term in English is etymological history comes from the Greek istoria (noun) which means a systematic breakdownboth chronologically and non-chronologically about a set of natural phenomena. In the development of the times, systematic differences in non-chronological terms about natural phenomena

1.                        Roeslan Abdulgani, Use of History (Djakarta: Prapanca: 1963), p. 1-5.c344 Hofstadter Richard, Wood Gray, Steven Endsley, An Outline of American History

Short description
        This meeting will provide provisions for students to understand understanding, scope and characteristics of the nation of the United States. other than that students are also motivated to explore and analyze the importance of history The United States as a super power country for survival Indonesian nation.

           Benefits for students after studying this chapter are obtained understanding of the nation's understanding, scope and characteristics United States and the benefits of studying the history of the United States for
the survival of the Indonesian people. This understanding will motivate students to be able to develop a study of the history of the United States very necessary to explore and recognize the culture of democracy as well the progress of science and technology that can be used for provision of building culture democracy and advancing science and technology in Indonesia.

General and Special Instructional Objectives
              In the first meeting with an available time allocation of 100 minutes, presented the subject of the understanding and scope of American history 19 States and characteristics of the United States.

General Instructional Objectives:
            So that students can understand and be able to analyze related to understanding and scope of history of the United States.

Special Instructional Objectives:
In this meeting so students can explain:
1. Understanding history
2. The origin of the terms American, Latin America, United States
3. Understanding the history of the United States
4. The scope of the history of the United States
5. The purpose of studying the history of the United States
6. Benefits of writing history books in the United States
7. Characteristics of the nation of the United States.

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